In this newborn session with precious baby Frank, the spirit of autumn was celebrated through and through with a beautiful fall-inspired color palette. I hope that through these times of uncertainty, these photos may incite a feeling of warmth and comfort.
It really has been quite a hardship for everyone in recent months. I was looking back at this story from Frank's mother, Sierra, and it hit me with how things are so different now from the time that her journey was written. Currently, families (besides parents) are not allowed to meet a new baby at the hospital to share such a joyful event with them. We are so blessed to share these special moments with loved ones and I cannot fathom what the experience is like for those that have that opportunity be taken from them. My heart goes out especially to those who were severely impacted. My hope is that there will truly be no such thing as a "new normal" in our lives, that things will go back to the way they were before this unprecedented circumstance.
In light of Sierra's joyous birth of little Frank, may we celebrate the gift of motherhood, family, love, and never fail to appreciate precious moments such as this with our loved ones.
I knew that this was something my whole life had been leading up to
"Becoming a mother has been the most rewarding, exhausting thing that has ever happened to me. The moment it really sunk in that I was going to be a mother was when my OB arrived at the hospital and the table was set up and I was told I was going to start pushing. Up until then, everything seemed so surreal.
My husband and I drove to the hospital at midnight expecting not to stay too long, as I thought I was just dehydrated. Turns out, I was 5 cm dilated by the time the nurse practitioner checked me. I immediately had my husband text all of our family, this baby was coming two weeks early!
The moment I held him in my arms the fear of being a mother melted away, and I knew that this was something my whole life had been leading up to. I was overcome with calmness, gratitude and a love like nothing else. He was home, and we were whole."
Being able to capture the newness of our baby boy was something my husband and I both wanted dearly, and we wanted to make sure that what little personality was showing already was seen in his pictures. We’ll always remember what he was like when he was a newborn, but to be able to have these images in an art book to pass down is invaluable. It’s been a month and a half since his newborn pictures were taken and he’s already changed so much. But, his personality that we saw a glimpse of as a newborn are still there. It just shows a little more brightly now.